What You Missed On Beer Sessions Radio™ – Japanese Beer And Remembering (3/6/12)

Sake today, beer tomorrow? Garrett Oliver predicts Japanese brews will be next big wave in the States.

It was one year ago today that the earthquake and tsunami devastated much of northeastern Japan. A year later, Beer Sessions Radio™ welcomed Brooklyn Brewery’s Garrett Oliver to discuss the rise in Japanese brewing and how the country’s brewers are set to take the States by storm. While most of us think of Sake as the traditional drink of Japan, in fact it is beer that is the preferred libation. Garrett predicts that Japanese beer will be the “next cool wave” of beer imports (Brooklyn’s Sorachi Ace is a Japanese-style beer, using sorachi hops).

And since even Japanese beer needs to be paired with something, the latter third of episode 104 Japanese Beer, Aged Beer & Cheese Pairings, brings in some of our favorite cheese to pair with beer, including Saxelby, American Farmstand, and Murray’s.  Be sure to tune in every week or sign up for the Beer Sessions Radio™ podcast on iTunes.