What You Missed On Beer Sessions Radio™ – Getting A Rise From Your Beer: It’s All About Yeast, Baby! (4/10/12)

It’s possibly the least appreciated but most important element of beer: Yeast! While few beer drinkers ponder much on the ingredient that allows for fermentation to occur, beer makers know that the kind and amount of yeast in beer affects everything from flavor to the amount of head retention. This week’s episode (#109 – listen to it here) brought together some of Beer Sessions Radio™’s regular contributors—Garrett Oliver (Brooklyn Brewery), Tony Forder (Ale Street News), Jason Rodriguez (Columbia University), B. R. Rolya (The Shelton Brothers), and Charlie Bamforth (UC Davis)—discuss the difference between wild and lab-cultivated yeasts, along with yeasty European brews. And, since it’s Beer Sessions Radio™, they’ve thrown in some poetry for good measure.