The New Good Beer Seal Bars Announced!

Tuesday, June 14: The Good Beer Seal announced the 2011 inductees into The Good Beer Seal with an awards party at Barcade in Brooklyn.

Good Beer Seal Awards 2011 from Letitia Productions on Vimeo.

Without further ado (drumroll please!) The new Good Beer Seal bars are:

4th Avenue Pub


Brouwerij Lane

The Double Windsor

Mission Delores

The Stag’s Head

Waterfront Ale House (Manhattan)

A great beer crowd assembled to welcome the new bars into the ranks of The Good Beer Seal. Great beer was flowing and Barcade pulled out all the stops to host a great celebration. There was food from Lorimer Market, Jimmy’s No. 43 and Sam Barbieri of Waterfront Ale House brought some of his famous BBQ offerings for revelers to enjoy with their beloved beers. Brewers, bar owners, beer reps, beer writers and serious beer fans jammed the place with joyful discussion as they awaited the announcement of the Good Beer Seal Class of 2011. When the big moment came, each bar was greeted with delighted whoops and whistles from the crowd. When the announcement was over, no one wanted to go home. Why should they? There was still more beer!

The New York Observer covered this week’s event, which you can read HERE, but the biggest news to come out of Tuesday’s Good Beer Seal Awards is that July Good Beer Month is just around the corner. If you missed the party (or if you went and wished there was still MORE party!) don’t worry. An entire month of great beer events awaits you. Keep an eye on our calendar for updates on July Good Beer Month events and visit your favorite (or a NEW favorite) Good Beer Seal bar today.