What You Missed On Beer Sessions Radio™ – Blind Tiger, Wandering Star (11/8/11)

This past week on Beer Sessions Radio™ the studio was packed with Blind Tiger regulars Dave Brodrick and Jen Schwertman. The gang welcomed the British Invasion of Alex Hall and Chris Post, who hail from England but are owners and brewmasters of the Western Massachusetts brewery, Wandering Star Brewing. Chris Cuzme, also of Wandering Star and the head of the New York City Homebrewers Guild, joined the conversation as well. You can listen here about the beginnings of both institutions as well as leveling up your beer geek cred as the gang comes of up with beer words that you’ve probably never heard of (hint: think zymurgy and Pediococcus). Learn about how one moves from home to the world of craft brewing and how sometimes starting your own outfit is as easy as buying it off eBay! This episode is sponsored by GreatBrewers.com.