What You Missed On Beer Sessions Radio™ – Carton, Kane Leading NJ Craft Beer Revolution (6/19/12)

This week on Beer Sessions Radio™, there was a New Jersey take-over! Surprisingly, NJ is no longer swimming in the wake of the NYC beer scene, having its own Craft Beer movement, lead by several key brewers and New Jersey Craft Beer owner, Mike Kivowitz. Joining host Jimmy Carbone is Michael Kane from Kane Brewing, along with Augie Carton and Jesse Ferguson from Carton Brewing. Kane is a draft-only microbrewery that is certainly making waves among NJ’s craft beer lovers. As many New Yorkers already know, Carton Brewing is the leading brewer whose reach is gaining inroads in the city.

Just as NJ itself is defying simple compartmentalization, so its beers aren’t easily categorized. Kane and Carton blend styles to create unique beers, including those brought to the studio: Carton’s 0077XX and Boat Beer and Kane’s Single Fin and the Head High IPA. Tune in and you’ll also find out the real reason the monkey ran all around the mulberry bush!

If you want to take a tour of NJ breweries and craft beer bars, join Mike on the Monmouth County Bus Tour next month. Guess what? The PATH runs in both directions? Who knew?! Now you’ve got a great reason to visit Jersey: cool craft beers you just can’t find anywhere else.