Seventh Annual July Good Beer Month™ Celebrates Good Beer Seal Awards with Nine New Entries

GBSAwards2015Beer Sessions Radio™, The Good Beer Seal and Jimmy’s No. 43 are delighted to announce the recipients of the Seventh Annual Good Beer Seal Awards. This year’s inductees will join 58 of their peers from the five boroughs of NYC, plus select bars in northeastern New Jersey and on Long Island. The Good Beer Seal Awards are the culmination of July Good Beer Month, which features specialty events across the city with a focus on craft beer, the brewers who make them, and the local establishments that sell craft beer. The Good Beer Seal nominees are gathered by a select group of beer journalists, industry professionals and existing Good Beer Seal bar owners. They are acknowledged in recognition of superior beer quality and selection as well as commitment to their communities.

This year’s inductees are:

For seven years, July has been declared “Good Beer Month,” and we celebrate the dedicated, community-oriented bars and bar owners who are on the front lines of the city’s continuing craft beer revolution.

The Good Beer Seal was co-founded in 2009 by Jimmy Carbone (Jimmy’s No. 43), Ray Deter (RIP – former owner of d.b.a.), Ben & Mike Wiley (Bar Great Harry), Gary Gillis (Burp Castle/Standings), and Dave Brodrick (Blind Tiger). The Good Beer Seal exists to identify bars offering an intriguing selection of craft beer in a unique atmosphere created by owner/operators who exhibit a deep commitment not only to the promotion of craft beer but to their community as well.

A hearty congratulations goes out to our new GBS bars. You can find a full list of all the GBS bars in and around NYC here.